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Selected artworks
SquarePuzzle SQR2 100 3DP, 2021
Polyamide (impression 3D SLS)
10 x 10 x 14,14 cm
10 x 10 x 14,14 cm
SQR2 100 BYR, 2020
Bois, plexiglas, acrylique
75 x 75 x 5 cm
75 x 75 x 5 cm
PhiPuzzle 63 3DP, 2021
Polyamide (impression 3D SLS)
16,2 x 16,2 x 10 cm
16,2 x 16,2 x 10 cm
HexaPuzzle SQR3 75 3D W, 2021
43 x 25 x 25 cm
43 x 25 x 25 cm
Hexapuzzle SQR3 75 Grey, 2021
Bois, plexiglas, acrylique
73 x 63 x 6 cm
73 x 63 x 6 cm
PentaPuzzle Phi 76 3D W, 2021
40 x 25 x 25 cm
40 x 25 x 25 cm
Binacci Mini 18 O, 2021
Découpe laser sur papier aquarelle, acrylique, bois, verre
38 x 38 x 4cm
38 x 38 x 4cm
Mayanacci Mini 25 Gold, 2017
Découpe laser sur papier aquarelle, acrylique, bois, verre
38 x 38 x 4cm
38 x 38 x 4cm
Babylonacci Mini 20 P
Découpe laser sur papier aquarelle, acrylique, bois, verre
38 x 38 x 4cm
38 x 38 x 4cm
Pentapuzzle Phi 121 Grey, 2021
Bois, plexiglas, acrylique
63 x 65 x 6 cm
63 x 65 x 6 cm
Pi Puzzle 100 3DP, 2021
Polyamide (impression 3D SLS)
Ø10 x 15 cm
Ø10 x 15 cm
Gold Puzzle 127 BYR, 2020
Bois, plexiglas, acrylique
83 x 52 x 4 cm
83 x 52 x 4 cm
Year 1926 Calendar, 2019
Acier inox, acrylique, plexiglas
450 x 30 x 30 cm
450 x 30 x 30 cm
Pi Puzzle 100 BYR, 2020
Bois, plexiglas, acrylique
83 x 52 x 4 cm
83 x 52 x 4 cm
Babylonnacci 30 B, 2019
Bois, acier, acrylique, lumière noire
81 x 81 x 7cm
81 x 81 x 7cm
Conico'clock BOY, 2018
Stainless steel, wood, acrylic, motor
30 x 30 x 40 cm
30 x 30 x 40 cm
Babylonacci 30 RYP, 2019
Bois, acier, acrylique, lumière noire
81 x 81 x 7cm
81 x 81 x 7cm
Conico'clock GOP, 2018
Stainless steel, wood, acrylic, motor
30 x 30 x 40 cm
30 x 30 x 40 cm
36 Conicals Carousel BYR, 2017
Stainless steel, wood, acrylic, motor
50 x 50 x 30 cm
50 x 50 x 30 cm
Chinacci 49 YOB, 2017
Bois, acier, acrylique, LED
200 x 41 x 7 cm
200 x 41 x 7 cm
12 Fiboconicals OBO, 2018
Stainless steel, wood, acrylic
32 x 7 x 7 cm
32 x 7 x 7 cm
Mayanacci 25 RYP, 2018
Wood, steel, acylic, led light
81 x 81 cm
81 x 81 cm
12 Fiboconicals Gold, 2021
Stainless steel, wood, acrylic, gold leaf
32 x 7 x 7 cm
32 x 7 x 7 cm
Gold Puzzle 255 BRYG, 2017
Wood, plexiglas, acrylic, gold leaf
122 x 77 cm
122 x 77 cm
Fibo'clock 143 T Gold, 2017
Wood, steel, acrylic, gold leaf, led light
61 x 61 cm
61 x 61 cm
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